How Our Service Works
All tablet, phone, & iPod service prices include the parts, install and shipping, All for One Price!
1. Select the device that is needing repaired.
2. Select correct model.
3. Select and add to cart the required repair service needed.
4. Add any additional products or services for your repair, i.e. case, tempered glass, first in line.
5. Review your shopping cart and proceed to checkout
6. Checkout details billing and shipping address, choose to checkout as guest or register an account for faster checkouts and future specials and discount codes.
7. Choose Return Shipping options (This is the method of shipping that will be used once we finish the repair of your device)
8. READ and Accept Terms and Conditions
9. Submit your Payment.
10. You're Finished! After you have submitted your payment you will be redirected to our Shipping page, that will give you further details on How and Where to ship your device.
If during this process or afterwards you ever have questions, please email, Live Chat or Call us.
Thank You For Choosing,!